The Tisch MS Research Center is equipped with the latest in research equipment and technology in order to conduct cutting-edge research for the benefit of people with MS. Occupying 20,000 square feet in midtown Manhattan, our research facility consists of a core central laboratory and a variety of smaller labs that house specialized research equipment.
The 18-station Brad and Kammi Reiss Family Central Laboratory facility is the research hub of the Tisch MS Center. Its open design allows researchers to communicate and collaborate on the full scope of research studies, including stem cell therapeutics, protein biochemistry, glial cell biology, and molecular biology.
Other facilities include:
The laboratory also houses the Human Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid Bank of Tisch MS Research Center of New York, which currently has 4,700 banked CSF/serum samples and a database with detailed demographic and clinical information. CSF samples obtained from consenting patients of the International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice (located down the hall) are coded and immediately transported to Tisch MS Research Center where they are processed and banked on a daily basis.
Tisch MS researchers have access to the animal research facilities at the Alexandria Center for Life Science in New York City. Research support is provided Mispro Biotech Services who provide complete animal husbandry services and a wide range of technical and support services to meet needs of Tisch MSRCNY researchers. The state-of-the-art facility includes ventilated cages, in-room Class II biological safety cabinets, and procedure rooms.Tisch MSRCNY and Mispro are in compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations, and with standards established by the Animal Welfare Acts. IACUC approvals and oversight are conducted through Mispro.
521 West 57th Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
(646) 557-3900
Support Tisch MS and our innovative research leading to treatments that improve the lives of patients.